“Im catching up on my Diamond mind videos. Video 74, Falling. At 9 minutes, 30 seconds. It contributed to my understanding of attacks from haters, life, and other competition. I understood the concept as I have an interesting connection to the art mentioned in the video. Arash expanded my awareness and changed my perception. THANK YOU Arash Zepar Dibazar. Can’t wait to see what is in the EYE OF RA videos!!”
Lucas W.
“One of the greatest things about going through old Diamond Mind videos is not just learning what I’m not doing correctly yet, but learning *why* the things I already do correctly are correct.
It’s a great reinforcement of proper behaviors. Much love and respect for our teacher Arash Zepar Dibazar. Thank you for showing us the way.”
Ilya R.
“Definitely the Lecture on February 4th has deeply impacted me. Due to my continued studies with you I noticed several techniques of Teaching above and beyond the actual lesson which in itself was deeply profound. How you are such a great teacher of yogis is beyond my understanding but I don’t care… because success is your proof to me and in this Lecture you successfully proved your mastery of the mind and your ability to slice the veil of illusion on the nature of living and succeeded here on Earth. Namaste”
Chris D.